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The cornerstone of Brownstead Farm is breeding the next generation of Thoroughbred athletes. Our mating decisions are based on a combination of genetic and conformational compatibility between the sire and dam with a goal of producing horses that possess not only the soundness, athleticism and commercial viability to be successful as racehorses, but the longevity to excel in their post-racing lives. 


Horses bred by Brownstead Farm are raised as just that…horses. They spend as much time as possible in our large, gently rolling Bluegrass pastures romping with their herd mates and developing the competitive spirit that will be called upon on the track. With forage being the foundation of a horse’s diet, our limestone rich pastures offer the nutrients and minerals needed to develop strong, healthy bones and joints. 


It is the little things that can make the biggest difference. The young horses we raise receive regular farrier and veterinary evaluation and care. Their weight, conformation and walk are observed regularly so minor adjustments to their hoof shape or diet can be made as needed to ensure they develop strong, heathy and sound.

Mannerly horses are more trainable and rideable horses, so from their first days of life to when they leave for the sales grounds or racetrack, horses raised at Brownstead are handled daily and taught the simple lessons that will make them better racehorses and serve them well in their years after. 


At the end of the day, our goal is to raise and develop Thoroughbreds with the soundness, athleticism and mental fortitude that to allow them to find success in their racing careers and whatever lies beyond. 

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